Tue 21 Jan
Party With Me In D TOWN*** Available Right Now 4 The Rest Of The NITE! ** In CALLS! TEXT ANY TIME!!! - 43
👑 PeRFeCt 🔟 🔥 SuPeR HoTT 🔥 TaSTe LiKe CaNDy 🍬🍒 READy N O W💌 💋✨ 60/100/160 InCall Specials 🎡 - 22
(Denver, 👯💌 InCall/OutCall Have Me Ur Way 💌👯)
Pin Up Model Body :) *big melonz* tiny waist* perfect soft booty* GREAT REVIEWS ON TOB - 26
PERFECT ➓ *♛ ºUPSCALE¸ ★ (¯`'.¸ ☆¸.'´¯) DREAMGIRL (¯`'.'´¯) - 21
(Denver, Outcalls to surrounding areas...)
🍭 💋 Outcall Only 🍭💝 SWEET TREAT 🍭💝 Petite Cuvy Busty BaByDoLL 💋Lip Service @ Ur request - 19
(Denver, Denver co)
*Outcall only * Denver Greeley loveland longmont, 100$specials for new clients - 25
(City of Denver, Denver, Denver aurora)
•°o♥o°• MY ♥o°• CANDY •°o♥o°• SHOP •°o♥o°• NEVER •°o♥o°• CLOSES •°o♥o°• SPECIALS •°o♥o°• - 19
(Denver, Near By You)
OUT CALL 💋🍒🅻🅾🅾🅺🅸🅽🅶. 🅵🅾Sexy delicious bubble butt!! 🅿 (!)🅸🅰 (!)🅲 🅰 🅻(!) 🅾🆆‼️‼️‼️ - 23
(City of Denver, Denver)
•°o♥o°• MY ♥o°• CANDY •°o♥o°• SHOP •°o♥o°• NEVER •°o♥o°• CLOSES •°o♥o°• SPECIALS •°o♥o°• - - - 19
°o★o° N_A_U_G_H_T_Y °o★o° B_U_S_T_Y °o★o° E_X_O_T_I_C * KELLY °o★o° - 29
(Denver ans surrounding areas)
Often Imitated NEVER Duplicated!!! PuT OUR TaLeNTs To The TeST!! 1 or 2 Its Up To U $60 Special - 29
(HWY 36 & Sheirdan / 2Girls specials)
one...two.. double team dream ... cheering with th winning ..team - 24
(Denver, denver/Arvada/jefferson/lakewood)
ONLY LOOKING FOR 1 GUY :) *big melonz* tiny waist* perfect soft booty* GREAT REVIEWS ON TOB - 26
♣ NiCe & TiGhT sUpEr WeTt 5*StAr G F E ToP NoTCH RoT¡C XPLoS¡oN HeAd DoCtOr ♣ - 21
*~*~*~ NO NEED To CHOOSE From so MANY WHEN YOU Can Have ME ~*~*~* - 48
(Denver, @@@@ NORTH AREA @@@@)
NO Bait & Switch 100% me from head to toe IF IT AINT ME ITS FREE! Independent :) FUN! - 22
(City of Denver, Denver, Denver, DTC, City of Denver, Highlands)
°o 💟 o° 1oO% ———— ———— ((( ✰ HOT 🔥 EXOTIC ✰ ))) ———— ———— 1oO% °o 💟 o° - 23
(Denver, SOUTH - INCALL ONLY 💕😉)
night of perfection your fantacy in a bottle nothing compares - 24
(Arvada, Broomfield, Colorado, Denver, Rockies)
Nothing but a good time... I PROMISE! Tall, Sexy and a lot of fun. I'm ready for you!! - 43
O o O o O .......YEAHHH! ! (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) Naughty Little Hottie (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) - - 28
(aurora incall)
NyMpHo ------- Willing To LeArn ------- EaGeR To PleAse --------- bLoNdE TrEaT -------- NeWbie - 19
💞❤new to town❤💞sexii lexii❤💞try me out💞❤take my time do it right💞❤$pecial$ - 18
(Denver, sourounding areas)
♣ NiCe & TiGhT sUpEr WeTt 5*StAr G F E ToP NoTCH RoT¡C XPLoS¡oN HeAd DoCtOr! ♣ - 21
NEW REVIEWS! 💓🌟Blondes DO have More FUN!🌟💓 _80💋_ 💦Come Meet YOUR NEW ADDICTION!💦 - 21
(City of Denver, Denver, Westminster Incall Only)
♣ NiCe & TiGhT sUpEr WeTt 5*StAr G F E ToP NoTCH RoT¡C XPLoS¡oN HeAd DoCtOr!! ♣ - 21
New Video Proof💄Brand New Pics💄100 Special🐝Sexy Sky🐝 New In Town💯Real Pics - 26
(Aurora, Centennial, City of Denver, Denver, Englewood, Littleton)
~~Two~ ~5~ *S*T*A*R* ~ PlAy MaTeS ~~ That Love's 2 Please... Available 24/7 - 20
(INCALLS I-70 & Quebec)
★NeW PiCtUrE's ★N!Ce & TiGhT sUpEr WeTt 5*STAr G F E ToP NoTCH hEaDdOcToR:-)b - 22
If You WANT SuMtHiN ~~~WET, TIGHT & Down Right FREAKY....CuM (.)(.) See ME!!!! - 20
(Incalls/I-70 & Quebec)
NEW PICS * SEXY petite long blonde hair* IN-Calls ***.. CALL 720-620-9585 Carmen - 38
(your placeor mine)
**NEW PICS**Amazing Mouth Skills ♡♡Come play with me☆☆Huge 40H breasts need attention☆☆ Freaky BBW♡♡ - 40
(Aurora, Centennial, City of Denver, Commerce City, Denver, i70 & Chambers💋)
New Video Proof💄Brand New Pics💄100 Special🐝Sexy Sky🐝 New In Town💯Real Pics - 26
(Aurora, City of Denver, Denver, Highlands Ranch, Thornton)
NEW REVIEWS! 💓🌟Blondes DO have More FUN!🌟💓 _ 60 special💋_ 💦Come Meet YOUR NEW ADDICTION!💦 - 21
(Cherry Creek Incall Only, City of Denver, Denver)
(¯`. ¸★ ;¸.´¯) NeW to DeNvEr!!! SeDuCtIvE ~ SoUtHeRn ~ PlAy ~ MaTe! (¯`' ¸ ★ ¸.'´¯)
(UPSCALE HOTEL North Denver)
DON'T MISS OUT! I'm feeling very hot & I need someone to play with. Come play with me. - 40
(Denver Tech Center)
💞❤new to town❤💞sexii lexii❤💞try me out💞❤take my time do it right💞❤80$pecial$ - 18
(Denver, sourounding areas)
•❤•° NEW°•❤•° SEXY ❤ REAL PICS °•❤•°💋 All DaY Specials Private uPScale InCall - 24
up.LATE!!..SeXy PETITE Long Blonde Hair IN or OUTCALLS *** CALL NOW 720-620-9585 - 38
(my place or yours)
If You WANT SuMtHiN ~~~WET, TIGHT & Down Right FREAKY....CuM (.)(.) See ME!!!! - 20
(Incalls/I-70 & Quebec)
NEW PICS * SEXY petite long blonde hair* IN-Calls ***.. CALL 720-620-9585 Carmen - 38
(your placeor mine)
♣ NeW PiC'S ♣ SeXy LiTtLe GoDdEsS sExY LiTtLe TeAsE sExY LiTtLe NyMpHo On My kNeEs! - 22
NEW PIC * SEXY * PETITE ** * Long Blonde Hair * tan *IN -CALLS Carmen...CALL NOW 720-620-9585 - 38
★ NeW PiC'S ★ LiL WaiST pRETtY FaCe PhAt AsS JuIcY TiTs SuPeRHeAd 100% G F E 4u ★ - 22
(((((((⎷ && AuRoRa ⎷)))))))
🔥🔥🔥 NEW SHOWER VIDEO! Available until midnight. Kinky caramel Vixxen Shauna - 30
(Aurora, Denver, Private residence Near DTC)
♠️New New!! ♠️💜 Young & wild 💜Mixed vixen 💜 Visiting on break. Book Now - 20
(Aurora, Aurora , airport , tech center , hawk, Denver)
★NeW PiCtUrE's ★CLiCk HeRe GeNtS I'm A N!Ce & TiGhT sUpEr WeTt 5*STAr G F E T0P NoTCH! - 22
♣ NeW P!C'S ♣ SeXy LiTtLe GoDdEsS sExY LiTtLe TeAsE sExY LiTtLe NyMpHo On My kNeSs! - 22
‼️New Photos‼️🍒$200hour $100half🍒 ♥️OUTCALLS ONLY♥️ 💋Redhead Beauty💋 - 21
(City of Denver, Denver, Outcall Only)
UP LATE * SEXY petite long blonde hair* IN-Calls or Out-calls ***.. CALL 720-620-9585 Carmen - 38
(your placeor mine)
,NEW PICS. * MATURE * Petite* long blond hair IN CALLS..Call now 720-621-8924 - 43
(My place (denver (residence)or YOURS)
‼️📸New Photos📸‼️ Outcalls Only 🍒$200hour $100half hour🍒 - 21
(City of Denver, Denver, Outcalls Only)
★NeW PiC's ★SuPeR nIcE & TiGhT & SeXy & YoUnG & rEaDy 2 HaVe SoMe G F E FuN ✯ - 22